'Employ time well if thou meanest to gain leisure.
One today is worth two tomorrows.
Since thou art not sure of a minute
throw not away an hour'.
Pretty Hexagonal Nursery plate
Impressed anchor mark
In good condition, no cracks, some tiny missing glaze patches
Period: Early 19th century 1830/40
Dimensions: Max diameter 17.5cm, Min diameter 16.5cm, height 1.75cm
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C19th Octagonal Nursery Plate
'Employ time well if thou meanest to gain leisure.
One today is worth two tomorrows.
Since thou art not sure of a minute
throw not away an hour'.
Pretty Hexagonal Nursery plate
Impressed anchor mark
In good condition, no cracks, some tiny missing glaze patches
Period: Early 19th century 1830/40
Dimensions: Max diameter 17.5cm, Min diameter 16.5cm, height 1.75cm
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